January 2025
Ladies and Gentlemen:
In connection with the Texas Music Educators Association Convention-Clinic on February 12-15, 2025, members of Alpha Chapter Phi Beta Mu, will be gathering in San Antonio for our Official Business Meeting of the year.
The following items demand your immediate attention:
1. DUES - Using the link sent to you, follow the instructions to pay your dues, make breakfast reservations, and donate to the Hall of Fame, or Chapter. Remember that there is a $10 late fee if you do not pay your dues promptly.
2. BALLOT FOR NOMINEES AND BREAKFAST RESERVATIONS- click on the link and follow the instructions to read biographical information and vote for nominees. Please note the FEBRUARY 6th DEADLINE for completing Ballots and Breakfast Reservations.
The following items are posted on the Alpha Chapter web site, pbmalpha.org:
1. MINUTES of Alpha Chapter Meetings in February 2024.
3. ROSTER of Phi Beta Mu Committees and Board Members
2. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE - 7:00 AM, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2025- RIVER TERRACE ROOM, MARRIOTT RIVERWALK HOTEL, Vice President and Membership Chairman, Robert Herrings, presiding. IMPORTANT: Sponsors of Candidates MUST attend. Also, anyone wishing to speak for, or in opposition to, membership of the new candidates MUST appear at this meeting.
3. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING - 1:30 PM, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2025- RIVER TERRACE ROOM, MARRIOTT RIVERWALK HOTEL, President Bruce Beach, Presiding. President Beach has advised that all Committee Chairpersons (or their proxies) are to attend both the Board and Official Business Meetings to make reports. Please complete reports in written form and have a copy for the Secretary-Treasurer. Also, please upload our reports into the shared google drive folder for your committee. The Board consists of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, elected Board members, and Area Representatives plus ALL Past Presidents. If you are one of these, please be present.
4. CHAPTER OFFICIAL BUSINESS MEETING - 9:30 PM, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2025- GRAND HYATT 2ND FL - LONE STAR ABC President Bruce Beach, Presiding. Active members who are to remain members of the fraternity MUST ATTEND at least every other annual business meeting or present in writing prior to the meeting to be missed, a statement to the Secretary to the Board of Directors justifying the absence. PAYMENT OF DUES WITHOUT ATTENDANCE OR WRITTEN STATEMENT DOES NOT SATISFY THE ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENT. (Constitution.)
OFFICIAL CHAPTER MEETING ORDER OF BUSINESS 1. Visit with your Brothers and Sisters 5. Recognition of guests 2. Call to Order; Reaffirmation of Membership 6. 2025 Membership Candidate Report 3. Receive and act on yearly Committee reports 7. Nomination of candidates for 2026 4. International Activities Report 8. Sign up TBA Reading Band. Adjourn
Prior to the Chapter Business Meeting Thursday evening, there will be an envelope for each ACTIVE and each RETIRED ACTIVE member at the Registration Desk. If you have previously paid, your Breakfast Ticket will be inside the envelope. RETURN ENVELOPE TO WORKERS AS YOU ENTER THE DOOR. The completed envelope will serve as your attendance record. Please leave the envelope with Doormen, DO NOT TAKE WITH YOU. THANKS! It is essential that I have your current email address to facilitate communication with Phi Beta Mu International. If you have not done so, I urge you to register on the Phi Beta Mu International web site.
5. INSTALLATION BREAKFAST ($32.00) - 7:00 AM, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2025- CONVENTION CENTER LONESOME DOVE ROOM (LDR). President Bruce Beach, presiding. New members installed. NON-MEMBERS may not attend the Breakfast or Installation. Again, please note the FEBRUARY 6th DEADLINE for completing Ballots and Breakfast Reservations. If you have any concerns or questions, please contact me on my cell: 214-417-1042; or email: pbmalphachapter@gmail.com.
Scott Coulson Secretary-Treasurer
The meeting was called to order by Vice President Bruce Beach, Thursday, 8 February 2024, at 7:00 AM and 11:00 AM in the River Terrace Room of the Marriott Riverwalk Hotel, San Antonio, Texas. Present were: Bruce Beach- Chairman, members: Amy Allison, Alan Harkey, Mack Bibb, Todd Dixon, Tom Bell, Susan Meyer Patterson, Bill Harden, President Tom Harrington, Past President Evelio Villarreal and Secretary Scott Coulson. Chairman Beach outlined the agenda to the Committee and distributed supporting data and spoke regarding ethics and confidentiality of information presented on each nominee. The committee next heard comments from the sponsor and cosponsors regarding their candidate. In the Executive session all nominations and supporting documents were then reviewed along with a tally of Fraternity voting. This was followed by committee voting on each candidate. The following were approved for induction into the Fraternity on Saturday: Brad Allen, Joe Barrow, John Barton, Stetson Begin, Mario Casanova, Chris Clifton, Kim Hawbaker Cooley, Cliff Croomes, Rhonda Daniel, Alicia De Soto, Lance Finley, Jason Finnels, Doug Fulwood, Britni Hummel, Andrew Hunter, Dimitri Iccosipentarhos, Marc Nichelson, Steven Rash, Jon Schriver, Mark Schroeder, Kim Shuttlesworth, Brian Sours, Jay Sutton, Sarah Thompson, Erika Uribe, Katherine VanDoren, Andrew Weak, Jon Weddle, Brittney Williams and O.D. Wilson. The committee also voted to remove 5 members. The meeting was adjourned by common consent. Respectfully submitted, Scott Coulson, Secretary.
The meeting of the Board of Directors was called to order by President Tom Harrington at 1:30 P.M. on Thursday, 8 February 2024, in the River Terrace Room of the San Antonio Marriott Riverwalk Hotel. Present were: Vice President Bruce Beach, Past President Evelio Villarreal, Secretary-Treasurer Scott Coulson; Board Members: David Puckett, Jeff Jones, Kristin Hames, Frank Sosa, Bob Vetter, Mike Bartley, Denny Whitley, Sharon Kalisek
Robert Herrings, Kevin Knight, Brian Andrade, Joe Clark, Bethanne Adams, Emerico Perez III, Bonnie Anderson, Brandon Brewer were absent.
Committee Chairmen present were David Brandon, Beth Bronk, Pete Tolhuizen and Barbara Lambrecht.
Frank Sosa moved approval of the Minutes of the February 2023 meeting as posted on the web site. Beth Bronk, second. Unanimous. Barbara Lambrecht moved approval of the Financial Report as posted on the web site. Pete Tolhuizen, second. Unanimous.
The President next asked for the Secretary’s Report on status of the chapter. Secretary Coulson reported that at present there are 303 Active members; 279 Retired Active; 58 inactive members for a total of 640. 361 have been installed in the Hall of Fame.
MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE, Bruce Beach, Chairman, read a list of those new members selected by the Committee earlier this morning (See Membership Committee List above). Bob Vetter moved approval of the report. Frank Sosa, second. Unanimous.
PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE, Scott Coulson, Secretary, outlined the continued use of congratulatory signs to both the new Phi Beta Mu members and to those members whose groups are selected to perform at the 2024 TMEA Convention.
TBA CLINIC COMMITTEE, David Brandon, Chairman, presented two recommendations for TBA: 1. "Selling Your Program, the 3 R’s: Recruitment, Retention, Rally” Helpful hacks to build recruitment and retention while rallying the troops with your existing students. Clinicians will be Ruth Allen and others TBA.
2. “Beginner Timelines” Several master beginner teachers throughout the state will provide a timeline of their goals and checkpoints for the entire year in a calendar-like format to provide young teachers several examples of how master teachers sequence and pace their beginner curriculum. This is not intended to be a clinic on pedagogy, but rather a survey of curricular goals and the scope and sequence used to achieve them by master teachers. Two timelines will be offered each for flute, clarinet, trumpet, low brass, and heterogeneous beginner classes. This clinic will be moderated by David Brandon with three or four of the master beginner teachers briefly walking the attendees through their timelines.
Sharon Kalisek moved approval of the report. Beth Bronk, second. Unanimous.
OUTSTANDING CONTRIBUTOR AWARD, Pete Tolhuizen, Chairman reported his committee had decided to recommend Jennifer Auerbach and Sally Bohls of the Bocal Majority for the award. Evelio Villarreal moved approval of the report. Sharon Kalisek, second. Unanimous.
OUTSTANDING YOUNG BANDMASTER, Beth Brock, Chairman announced the selection of Taylor Williamson from Wiley Middle School in Leander ISD. Documentation was presented to support the recommendation. Peter Tolhuizen moved approval of the report. Frank Sosa, second. Unanimous.
HALL OF FAME COMMITTEE, Barbara Lambrecht, Chairman, presented the following names for approval in 2024: Beth Ann Adams, Rick Baker, John Carroll, Dennis Eichler, Tony Gibbs, Joe Gunn, Jeff King, Mark Melton, Gloria Ramirez, Bob Vetter, Peter Warshaw. Beth Bronk moved approval of the report. Denny Whitley, second. Unanimous.
Under New Business, the board discussed the addition of a Technology position that would aid the Secretary during the year and other committee chairs in preparing for and during the TBA convention. A stipend of $700.00 was approved. Bob Vetter moved approval. Barbara Lambrecht, second. Unanimous.
A moment of silence was held for deceased Alpha members: Mark Adams, the brother of Bethanne Adams, Randy Leifeste, Danny Prado, and Jim Yancey.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted: Scott Coulson, Secretary-Treasurer
President Tom Harrington, called the meeting to order at 10:10 PM on 8 February 2024 in the Grand Hyatt Longhorn Ballroom. Bruce Beach gave the Invocation.
President Harrington recognized out of state visiting PBM members.
George Little, President of TBA, outlined the achievements of Fred Allen and announced that Mr. Allen had been selected as Bandmaster of the Year. The membership acknowledged Fred Allen with a standing ovation.
A moment of silence was held for deceased members Mark Adams, the brother of Bethanne Adams, Randy Leifeste, Danny Prado, and Jim Yancey.
The Phi Beta Mu oath was administered by Secretary Scott Coulson.
President Harrington next commended various Alpha Chapter members for their achievements during the year, Midwest Clinic performances and clinic and performances during the TMEA convention.
President Harrington gave a report on the Midwest Clinic and the substantial contributions of Texas Bands.
Keith Bearden, Past President of International gave the International Report.
Past President Evelio Villareal explained the selection process for Officers and ATSSB Area Representatives, and the following were chosen: President – Bruce Beach Vice President – Robert Herrings
ATSSB Area Representative Bob Vetter, ATSSB Central - (2024-2026) Nick Durham, ATSSB East - (2024-2026) Mike Bartley, ATSSB North - (2022-2024) Charles Cabrera, ATSSB South - (2024-2026) Don Summersgill, ATSSB West (2024-2026)
Members at Large June Bearden, At-Large - (2024-2026) Denny Whitley, At-Large - (2024-2026) Sharon Kalisek, At-Large - (2024-2026) Brandon Brewer, At-Large - (2024-2026) There were no other nominations from the floor so the slate was elected by acclamation.
President Harrington called for Committee Reports. Reporting were committee Chairs for the following standing Committees (see Board minutes above for complete report).
BDSN- Tom Harrington TBA Clinic Committee – David Brandon Public Relations Committee – Kevin Knight Outstanding Contributor Committee – Pete Tolhuizen Outstanding Young Bandmaster Committee – Beth Bronk Hall of Fame Committee - Barbara Lambrecht Membership Committee - Vice President Bruce Beach Nominations for membership in 2025 were taken from the floor and recorded by Vice President Bruce Beach. Those nominating new members were reminded of the necessary paperwork and deadlines involved.
President Harrington reminded those in attendance of the importance of participation in the TBA Reading Band and the Band Directors Support Network. Forms for the Reading Band were available to the membership via QR Code.
Motion to adjourn was passed by common consent.
Respectfully submitted: Scott Coulson, Secretary-Treasurer
Saturday, 10 February 2024
The meeting was called to order by President Tom Harrington, at 7:00 AM in the Lonesome Dove Room, Convention Center.
The invocation was given by Bruce Beach.
Breakfast was served by the LDR Staff.
The Oath of Membership for new members was administered by Secretary Scott Coulson. Those installed were Class of 2024: Brad Allen, Joe Barrow, John Barton, Stetson Begin, Mario Casanova, Chris Clifton, Kim Hawbaker Cooley, Cliff Croomes, Rhonda Daniel, Alicia De Soto, Lance Finley, Jason Finnels, Doug Fulwood, Britni Hummel, Andrew Hunter, Dimitri Iccosipentarhos, Marc Nichelson, Steven Rash, Jon Schriver, Mark Schroeder, Kim Shuttlesworth, Brian Sours, Jay Sutton, Sarah Thompson, Erika Uribe, Katherine VanDoren, Andrew Weak, Jon Weddle, Brittney Williams and O.D. Wilson.
George Little, President of TBA, once again introduced Fred Allen as Bandmaster of the Year.
President Tom Harrington next acknowledged members present with the longest record of membership in Alpha Chapter.
President Tom Harrington acknowledged members of the Hall of Fame and the class of 2024, which will be inducted at the Texas Bandmasters Association Convention.
President Tom Harrington again commended various Alpha Chapter members for their achievements during the year, Midwest Clinic performances and clinic and performances during the TMEA convention.
President Tom Harrington encouraged members to participate in the Reading Band that performs at TBA.
Vice President Bruce Beach called for additional nominations from the floor. Again, those making nominations were reminded of the requirements for membership and the necessary paperwork involved.
New President Bruce Beach presented Outgoing President Tom Harrington with the Past President's pin. The membership acknowledged Tom Harrington with a standing ovation. The Fraternity moved for adjournment by common consent.
Respectfully submitted: Scott Coulson, Secretary-Treasurer